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- ;; ru-phonetic.mim -- Russian input method with YAWERTY keyboard layout
- ;; Copyright (C) 2006
- ;; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
- ;; Registration Number H15PRO112
- ;; This file is part of the m17n database; a sub-part of the m17n
- ;; library.
- ;; The m17n library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- ;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
- ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- ;; The m17n library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- ;; License along with the m17n library; if not, write to the Free
- ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- ;;; Input method for Russian simulating the keyboard layout based on
- ;;; Roman transcription by phonetic resemblance.
- ;;; @image html ru-phonetic.png "Keyboard Layout"
- ;;; @image latex ru-phonetic.eps "Keyboard Layout" width=\narrowwidth
- ;; 1! 2@ 3ё 4Ё 5ъ 6Ъ 7& 8* 9( 0) -_ чЧ юЮ
- ;; яЯ вВ еЕ рР тТ ыЫ уУ иИ оО пП шШ щЩ
- ;; аА сС дД фФ гГ хХ йЙ кК лЛ ;: '" эЭ
- ;; зЗ ьЬ цЦ жЖ бБ нН мМ ,< .> /?
- ;; This layout is based on ru_phonetic map in XKB of Xorg.
- (input-method ru phonetic)
- (description
- "Rusian input method simulating the Yawerty keyboard layout.
- This keyboard is based on Roman transcription by phonetic resemblance.
- 1! 2@ 3ё 4Ё 5ъ 6Ъ 7& 8* 9( 0) -_ чЧ юЮ
- яЯ вВ еЕ рР тТ ыЫ уУ иИ оО пП шШ щЩ
- аА сС дД фФ гГ хХ йЙ кК лЛ ;: '\" эЭ
- зЗ ьЬ цЦ жЖ бБ нН мМ ,< .> /?
- This layout is based on ru_phonetic map in XKB of Xorg.")
- (title "Я")
- (map
- (map
- ("#" ?ё)
- ("$" ?Ё)
- ("%" ?ъ)
- ("^" ?Ъ)
- ("=" ?ч) ("+" ?Ч)
- ("`" ?ю) ("~" ?Ю)
- ("q" ?я) ("Q" ?Я)
- ("w" ?в) ("W" ?В)
- ("e" ?е) ("E" ?Е)
- ("r" ?р) ("R" ?Р)
- ("t" ?т) ("T" ?Т)
- ("y" ?ы) ("Y" ?Ы)
- ("u" ?у) ("U" ?У)
- ("i" ?╨╕) ("I" ?╨ÿ)
- ("o" ?о) ("O" ?О)
- ("p" ?п) ("P" ?П)
- ("[" ?ш) ("{" ?Ш)
- ("]" ?щ) ("}" ?Щ)
- ("a" ?а) ("A" ?А)
- ("s" ?с) ("S" ?С)
- ("d" ?д) ("D" ?Д)
- ("f" ?ф) ("F" ?Ф)
- ("g" ?г) ("G" ?Г)
- ("h" ?х) ("H" ?Х)
- ("j" ?й) ("J" ?Й)
- ("k" ?к) ("K" ?К)
- ("l" ?л) ("L" ?Л)
- ("\\" ?э) ("|" ?Э)
- ("z" ?з) ("Z" ?З)
- ("x" ?ь) ("X" ?Ь)
- ("c" ?ц) ("C" ?Ц)
- ("v" ?ж) ("V" ?Ж)
- ("b" ?б) ("B" ?Б)
- ("n" ?н) ("N" ?Н)
- ("m" ?м) ("M" ?М)))
- (state
- (init
- (map)))
- ;; Local Variables:
- ;; coding: utf-8
- ;; mode: lisp
- ;; End: